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Stage PFE – Digital Marketing
The success of an open source project largely depends on the size of the community of users that helps to improve it. Hence, it becomes crucial to make promotion in order to get people to know and contribute to your product.
kopiLeft has an open source projet on github named Galite. It’s a software framework that allows to develop, quickly and in an effective way, buisness applications that works on all devices.
The project is available for free and everyone can use it, make contributions, make bug reports and propose enhancements or adding new features.
Galite provides a ready to use web components with a fashion and simple domain-specific language (DSL) that allows creating applications containing forms, reports and charts.
In order to promote this project we are looking for a Digital Marketing Intern in order to :
– Build, plan and implement the digital marketing and crowdsourcing strategy for Galite
– Create the content of our website
– Create content in relation to Galite
– Design and create contributing guidelines, Issue templates, blog articles, advertisements etc.
– Monitor KPIs, and set up mechanisms to measure the use of the project: number of contributors/contributions, downloads, posted issues, etc
– Search Engine Marketing (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc)
– Develop new social media channels to open discussions about the project (questions, announce a new release, announce a new important feature…)
– Involve our employees in the discussions about Galite (Internal promotion)
– Design and create a logo for Galite
– And all activity that helps reach and attract audience….
We garantee you :
– Gain of experience in the technology field
– Gain of experience in presenting software products as Galite is developed with modern and interesting technologies
– Work with all the teams including a technical team dedicated to the Galite project
– Implementation of your digital skills
– Enhancement of your writting and communication skills
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Ville : Tunis
Nom / Entreprise : kopiLeft
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Adresse : 14 rue Micipsa – Notre Dame – Mutuelle Ville 1002 Tunis
Site Web : http://www.kopileft.com/
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